We Need a Data Revolution to Avert Climate Disaster

Our tech featured in a DeSmog editorial guest written by Stephen Marshall

You can read it, here.

The response from Stockholm:

Hi Stephen,

This piece also came up in our mediamonitoring and I found it very interesting and relevant.

The topic of better visualization is often discussed at our meetings and hopefully progress can be made the coming years.

Best regards,
Johan Lundberg

Media and engagement officer
Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University

Now, we love these people and truly admire the work they have done in advancing the field human interference across earth systems boundaries. But this response perfectly captures everything that is wrong with the current climate leadership in the academy, as our response hoped to point out:


Thank you. But if I may add one important qualifier: moving to a live signal is not simply an upgrade visually. 

It is the integration of a technology interface that connects the Planetary Boundaries to millions of earth systems sensors and billions of people, which is precisely the scalar solution Johan et al. were advocating in the PNAS paper last year. 

I’m not sure we have a couple of years to start this work. If it’s a question of financing, we can help with that. 



For more on how generative design unlocks scalar dynamics to engineer change at-scale, read this piece: Scalar Nests and Butterfly Effects.